Uma despedida e um convite: as mudanças no MotorChase

A maioria dos leitores frequentes do MotorChase deve ter sentido falta dos artigos diários nestes últimos dias. Mas eu tenho uma boa explicação para isso: como um exército de um homem só, este site também sentiu a minha falta. E eu estava realmente ocupado cuidando de outro projeto que começou há...
Uma despedida e um convite: as mudanças no MotorChase

A farewell and an invitation: the changes at MotorChase

Most of the frequent readers of MotorChase must have missed the daily articles these last days. But I have a good explanation for that: as a one-man army, this website also missed me. And I was truly busy taking care of another project that has started months ago. And MotorChase will have to...
A farewell and an invitation: the changes at MotorChase

Volkswagen planeja vender a versão de produção do I.D. em 2020
O Salão de Paris apresentou a aposta mais importante da Volkswagen em anos. O conceito I.D., que felizmente não foi chamado de EV, é um veículo elétrico que a Volkswagen quer que seja tão fundamental em sua história quanto o Fusca e o Golf foram… Sua versão de produção deve estar pronta até...
Volkswagen planeja vender a versão de produção do I.D. em 2020

Fisker volta aos negócios com o EMotion
A Fisker Automotive faliu e foi comprada pela Wanxiang, que a rebatizou de Karma. Mas isso não tirou Henrik Fisker do jogo. Ele já fez uma parceria com Bob Lutz para criar a VLF e o Force 1 e agora fundou a Fisker Inc., uma empresa que visa proporcionar EMotion para o segmento de carros elétr...
Fisker volta aos negócios com o EMotion

Fisker gets back to business with EMotion
Fisker Automotive went bankrupt and was bought by Wanxiang, which renamed it Karma. But that did not take Henrik Fisker out of the game. He has since partnered with Bob Lutz to create VLF and the Force 1 and now bring up Fisker Inc., a company that aims to deliver EMotion to the electric car...
Fisker gets back to business with EMotion

Mercedes-Benz apresenta sua picape em forma de conceito. E a chama de Classe X
A nova picape média da Mercedes-Benz foi apresentada hoje em Estocolmo, na Suécia. E confirmou o nome que trouxemos antecipadamente: Classe X. Também havia um rumor sobre GLT, mas os conceitos exibidos pela empresa alemã confirmaram o nome final. Sim, conceitos: a Mercedes-Benz mostrou 2 deles, c...
Mercedes-Benz apresenta sua picape em forma de conceito. E a chama de Classe X

Volkswagen reveals the Atlas and the Teramont, different names for the same SUV
The new D-segment from Volkswagen, the production version of the CrossBlue concept, was often refered to as Atlas, often as Teramont. In the end, the MQB-based SUV will have both names, depending on where it is produced and sold. The US model is named Atlas, while the Chinese model received the ...
Volkswagen reveals the Atlas and the Teramont, different names for the same SUV

Mini apresenta o novo Countryman. E sua versão híbrida plugin, a Cooper S E

A Mini revelou o Countryman, que será oficialmente apresentado ao público no Salão de Los Angeles, com uma inovação muito importante em sua 2ª geração. Ela não está relacionada à sua plataforma, a UKL2, que é compartilhada com a 2ª geração do BMW X1, mas com a nova incursão da marca na eletrifica...
Mini apresenta o novo Countryman. E sua versão híbrida plugin, a Cooper S E

É assim que o novo Nissan Versa, ou Almera, poderia parecer, de acordo com Theophilus Chin

Quando o novo Nissan Micra foi apresentado no Salão de Paris, a maioria dos mercados em que ele é vendido, incluindo aqueles em que é chamado de March, ficaram ansiosos para recebê-lo. Assim como sua versão sedã, conhecida como Versa ou Almera, dependendo do país. Mas o sedã não foi apresentado a...
É assim que o novo Nissan Versa, ou Almera, poderia parecer, de acordo com Theophilus Chin

Lynk & CO é uma híbrida da atual indústria automotiva e da futura

Quando falamos em indústria automotiva, temos tanto empresas centenárias, como Mercedes-Benz e Aston Martin, quanto as mais novas, como Hyundai ou Geely. Ambos os grupos fabricam carros de uma forma muito semelhante desde sua invenção. Como já descrevemos em série de artigos “A revolução do...
Lynk & CO é uma híbrida da atual indústria automotiva e da futura

Mini introduces the new Countryman. And its plugin hybrid version, the Cooper S E

Mini has revealed the 2nd generation Countryman, which will be officially presented to the public at the LA Auto Show, with a very important innovation. It is not related to its platform, the UKL2, which is shared with the 2nd generation BMW X1, but with the brands new incursion on...
Mini introduces the new Countryman. And its plugin hybrid version, the Cooper S E

This is what the new Nissan Versa, or Almera, could look like, according to Theophilus Chin
When the new Nissan Micra was introduced at the Paris Motor Show, most markets in which it is sold, including the ones in which it is called March, are eager to have it. As well as its sedan version, known as Versa or Almera, depending on the country. But the sedan has not been presented so far....
This is what the new Nissan Versa, or Almera, could look like, according to Theophilus Chin

Mercedes-Benz presents its pick-up in concept form. And calls it X-Class
The new Mercedes-Benz midsize pick-up has been presented today in Stockholm, in Sweden. And it has confirmed the name we have brought you beforehand: X-Class. There was also a rumor for GLT, but the concepts presented by the German company have confirmed the final name. Yes, concepts:...
Mercedes-Benz presents its pick-up in concept form. And calls it X-Class

Dendrobium será o primeiro hipercarro elétrico de Cingapura
A Vanda Electrics, uma empresa de Cingapura, revelará seu primeiro carro no Salão de Genebra. Ele será chamado de Dendrobium em homenagem a um gênero asiático de orquídeas. Segundo a empresa, isto se devido à forma como o carro abre as suas portas. Mas não espere nada delicado desta flor de Cinga...
Dendrobium será o primeiro hipercarro elétrico de Cingapura

Conheça a 6ª geração do Hyundai Azera (o Grandeur, na Coreia do Sul). Ou pelo menos seu esboço

A 6ª geração do Hyundai Azera, também conhecido como Grandeur, na Coreia do Sul, será apresentada e colocada à venda no próximo mês. Mas a fabricante coreana não quer revelá-lo totalmente, nem esperar mais um mês para revelá-lo. A melhor solução fica no meio termo: um esboço do sedã do segmento D...
Conheça a 6ª geração do Hyundai Azera (o Grandeur, na Coreia do Sul). Ou pelo menos seu esboço

Meet the 6th generation Hyundai Azera (or Grandeur, in South Korea). Or at least its sketch

The 6th generation Hyundai Azera, also known as Grandeur, in South Korea, will be presented and put for sale next month. But the Korean carmaker does not want to fully reveal it nor to wait one more month to tease it. The best solution is in-between: a sketch of the D-segment sedan.
The Azera...
Meet the 6th generation Hyundai Azera (or Grandeur, in South Korea). Or at least its sketch

Lynk & CO is a hybrid of the current and the future automotive industry
When it relates to the automotive industry, we have centenary companies, such as Aston Martin and Mercedes-Benz, and newer ones, such as Hyundai or Geely. Both groups manufacture cars in a pretty much similar way since their invention. As we have already described it in our collection of...
Lynk & CO is a hybrid of the current and the future automotive industry

Dendrobium will be the first Singapore electric hypercar

Vanda Electrics, a company from Singapore, will reveal its first car at the 2017 Geneva Motor Show. It will be named Dendrobium in homage to an Asian genus of orchids. According to the company, this is due to the way the car opens its doors. But don’t expect anything delicate from this...
Dendrobium will be the first Singapore electric hypercar

Ford will reveal the restyled EcoSport at the Sao Paulo Motor Show

When the Ford EcoSport was the only option for a B-segment crossover, it sold like hot cakes. But now it faces fierce competition in most markets, especially from the Honda HR-V and the Jeep Renegade. This is why it desperately needs a restyling or even a new generation, but the latter will take...
Ford will reveal the restyled EcoSport at the Sao Paulo Motor Show

VAZOU! - Esta é a 3ª geração do Volkswagen Touareg

A 3ª geração do Touareg será apresentada no Salão de Xangai de 2017, mas o SUV baseado na plataforma MLP 2 (Evo) não será uma novidade tão grande quando o evento chinês abrir seus portões. Pelo menos não para os nossos leitores e aqueles que seguem a Auto Motor und Sport, que publicou pela primei...
VAZOU! - Esta é a 3ª geração do Volkswagen Touareg

Honda revela 1ª imagem oficial do WR-V, um Fit mais alto com frente e traseira diferentes
A Honda divulgou a primeira imagem oficial do novo WR-V. Futuro crossover de entrada no Brasil, onde será revelado no Salão do Automóvel, em novembro, o WR-V será um Fit mais alto com frente e traseira diferentes. Veja se a imagem original abaixo.

O WR-V pretende ser um substituto para o antigo ...
Honda revela 1ª imagem oficial do WR-V, um Fit mais alto com frente e traseira diferentes

Honda reveals the 1st official image of the WR-V, a taller Fit with different front and rear-ends

Honda has just released the first official image of the new WR-V. Intended to be an entry-level crossover in Brazil, where it will be revealed at the São Paulo Motor Show, in November, the WR-V will be a taller Honda Fit with different front and rear-ends. Check the original image below.

The ...
Honda reveals the 1st official image of the WR-V, a taller Fit with different front and rear-ends

A revolução do carro - Parte 2 - A propriedade mudará tão radicalmente que provavelmente vai desaparecer
Em nossa série de artigos “A revolução do carro“, já explicamos que os motores elétricos impulsionarão praticamente tudo por razões tecnológicas, técnicas e de eficiência. Mas há um aspecto desta revolução que não tem nada a ver com questões técnicas. Tem a ver com a sua maneira de us...
A revolução do carro - Parte 2 - A propriedade mudará tão radicalmente que provavelmente vai desaparecer

The car revolution - Part 2 - Ownership will change so radically it will probably disappear

In our series of articles “The Car Revolution“, we have already explained electric motors will power everything for technological, technical and effiency reasons. But there is an aspect of this revolution that has nothing to do with technical matters. It has to do with your way to...
The car revolution - Part 2 - Ownership will change so radically it will probably disappear

BMW Série 5 é totalmente revelado em questão de horas após o vazamento

Ontem, mencionamos que a BMW revelaria a 7ª geração do Série 5 em questão de dias. Estávamos errados: não levou nem horas para a fabricante alemã apresentar seu novo sedã do segmento D. Ele também não usa a tecnologia Carbon Core, algo que seria lógico para fazer seus preços a cair, mas que prova...
BMW Série 5 é totalmente revelado em questão de horas após o vazamento

Honda CR-V atinge sua 5ª geração com um motor a gasolina turboalimentado de 1,5 litros
O Honda Civic e o CR-V sempre tiveram uma relação muito próxima. Sempre que um novo Civic é apresentado, uma nova geração do CR-V também chega ao palco. E isto é muito simples de explicar: o CR-V é a versão crossover do sedã. Eles compartilham os mesmos motores e plataformas. E o exemplo mais rec...
Honda CR-V atinge sua 5ª geração com um motor a gasolina turboalimentado de 1,5 litros

BMW 5 Series is fully revealed in a matter of hours after the leak
Yesterday, we have mentioned BMW would reveal the 7th generation 5 Series would be revealed in a matter of days. We were wrong: it did not took even hours for the German carmaker to present the new D-segment sedan. It also does not use the Carbon Core technology, something that would be logical...
BMW 5 Series is fully revealed in a matter of hours after the leak

Honda CR-V reaches its 5th generation with a 1.5-liter turbocharged petrol engine
The Honda Civic and the CR-V have always had a very close relationship. Whenever a new Civic is presented, a new CR-V also hits the stage. And this is very simple to explain: the CR-V is the crossover version of the sedan. They share the same engines and platforms. And the latest example is the...
Honda CR-V reaches its 5th generation with a 1.5-liter turbocharged petrol engine

FLAGRA! - NextEV tem seu protótipo revelado pelo Autohome

Já sabemos que o primeiro produto da NextEV terá 1 MW de potência, mas todos estamos mais interessados em como vai ficar, em primeiro lugar, do que com suas especificações técnicas. Graças ao site chinês Autohome, agora temos uma ideia melhor sobre isso. Estamos também cientes de que o carro está...
FLAGRA! - NextEV tem seu protótipo revelado pelo Autohome

SCOOP! - NextEV has its prototype revealed by Autohome

We already know that the first product from NextEV will have 1 MW of power, but we all are more interested about how it will look, at first, than about its technical specifications. Thanks to the Chinese website Autohome, we can now have a better idea on the latter. We are also aware that the...
SCOOP! - NextEV has its prototype revealed by Autohome

VAZOU! - Este é o G30, também conhecido como a 7ª geração do BMW Série 5
A BMW está a poucos dias de revelar a 7ª geração do Série 5, mas, como de costume, algumas imagens do carro vazaram antes da revelação oficial. Este é o G30, como o novo sedã é chamado internamente.

As imagens apareceram primeiro no e nos apresentam um Série 7 sutilmente reduz...
VAZOU! - Este é o G30, também conhecido como a 7ª geração do BMW Série 5

Segundo site espanhol km77, Jeep Renegade pode ter graves problemas de frenagem

O Jeep Renegade é atualmente o modelo mais vendido da marca. Também é considerado um dos carros compactos mais seguros à venda na América Latina pela Latin NCAP. E tudo parecia ir bem com ele até o site espanhol relatar um problema muito sério em seu sistema de travagem. Sob frenagens su...
Segundo site espanhol km77, Jeep Renegade pode ter graves problemas de frenagem

Um verdadeiro ATV: este é o Avtoros Shaman

Há coisas que não precisa ser novas para serem impressionantes. Pegue o ATV Avtoros Shaman como o melhor exemplo. Muitas revistas já o testaram. Algumas até mesmo falaram dele pela primeira vez em 2014. Mas o MotorChase não estava na área naquela época. E o veículo chamou nossa atenção muito rece...
Um verdadeiro ATV: este é o Avtoros Shaman

LEAKED! - This is the G30, also known as the 7th generation BMW 5 Series
BMW is a few days from revealing the 7th generation 5 Series, but, as usual, some images of the car have leaked before the official revelation. This is the G30, as the new sedan is internally named.

The images have first appeared at and present us with a smaller 7 Series. Not...
LEAKED! - This is the G30, also known as the 7th generation BMW 5 Series

A real ATV: this is the Avtoros Shaman

There are things that do not need to be new to be impressive. Take the Avtoros Shaman ATV as the best example. Many magazines have tested it already. Some even first spoke of it in 2014. But MotorChase was not around at the time. And the vehicle called our attention just very recently. We...
A real ATV: this is the Avtoros Shaman

Rimac Concept_One bate o Porsche 918 Spyder em uma pista de arrancada

O Rimac (lê-se Rímatz) Concept_One já venceu o Ferrari LaFerrari e o Tesla Model S P90D em um desafio de aceleração em agosto. Mas ele ainda não havia desafiado o carro de produção mais rápido da história, o Porsche 918 Spyder, único modelo de tração nas quatro rodas na Santíssima Trindade dos Hi...
Rimac Concept_One bate o Porsche 918 Spyder em uma pista de arrancada

O BMW X2 Concept em breve se tornará um modelo de produção

Em janeiro, já dissemos que a BMW estava preparando um novo crossover de entrada, ou uma alternativa cheia de estilo ao X1. Ele seria chamado de X2. O Salão de Paris confirmou essa história e nos mostrou o X2 Concept, uma maneira de introduzir a ideia pouco a pouco. Diríamos que isso pode ajudar ...
O BMW X2 Concept em breve se tornará um modelo de produção

Rimac Concept_One beats the Porsche 918 Spyder in a dragstrip

The Rimac (read it Reematz) Concept_One has already beaten the Ferrari LaFerrari and the Tesla Model S P90D in an acceleration challenge in August. But it had not defied the fastest production car in history, the Porsche 918 Spyder, the only all-wheel drive model in the Holy Trinity of...
Rimac Concept_One beats the Porsche 918 Spyder in a dragstrip

The BMW X2 Concept will soon become a production model

In January, we have told you that BMW was preparing a new entry-level crossover, or a stylish alternative to the X1. It would be named X2. The Paris Motor Show has confirmed that story and shown us the X2 Concept, a way to introduce the idea little by little. We would say it could help test the...
The BMW X2 Concept will soon become a production model

What if Maserati had a LaFerrari of its own? Meet the MC-63, created by Andrea Ortile

There is a great expectation towards the production version of the Maserati Alfieri. Some say it will never come, but the fact that Maserati is controlled by Ferrari could always mean something. And Maserati models are more of the GT kind than sports cars. This is why it would be really nice to...
What if Maserati had a LaFerrari of its own? Meet the MC-63, created by Andrea Ortile

Nissan Qashqai: this is what believes the restyling will look like
Most everybody in the automotive world now wants to be a crossover (or an SUV). The pleasure of cornering at high speed seems to be long gone for the lovers of a high seating position and “go almost anyewhere” (from the mall to the school to work home and vice-versa) capability. The...
Nissan Qashqai: this is what believes the restyling will look like

It's official: Mercedes-AMG will have an F1-engine powered hypercar, the R50

Many people dream of being able to drive a F1 on the streets. A Red Bull car has even done so one, at the streets of São Paulo, in Brazil. But Mercedes-AMG wants to put a plate on such car. And make it full road legal. This new model is being developed under the code R50 and the only image we ...
It's official: Mercedes-AMG will have an F1-engine powered hypercar, the R50

Jalopnik presents what it thinks the new Toyota Supra will be

It’s been a while since we last spoke about the new Toyota Supra. There have been recent images of the prototype, made by our friends of Carpix, but Jalopnik has obtained inside information that allowed them to make the image above with the help of Marco van Overbeeke. And it looks really...
Jalopnik presents what it thinks the new Toyota Supra will be

LEAKED! - Japanese patents reveal the new BMW i5
The BMW i5, expected to be the next i product besides the i3 and the i8, has appeared in Japanese patents. While some said it would be a sedan, the drawings reveal a hatchback. Check them below.

The bad news is that, apart from the appearance, we have very little information on the new car. ...
LEAKED! - Japanese patents reveal the new BMW i5

Infiniti explica (parcialmente) a maior revolução recente em motores a combustão: o VC-Turbo

O Salão de Paris apresentou muitos carros novos, que alguns dos quais ainda nem tratamos por aqui devido ao pouco tempo que tivemos. Mas a mais importante apresentação no evento francês não será facilmente visível. Não se você não abrir o capô do carro que a Infiniti escolherá para introduzir o m...
Infiniti explica (parcialmente) a maior revolução recente em motores a combustão: o VC-Turbo

Infiniti (partially) explains the biggest recent revolution in combustion engines: the VC-Turbo
The Paris Motor Show has presented lots of new cars, some of which we still have not written about due to the little time we had. But the most important presentation at the French event will not be easily visible. Not if you don’t pop the hood of the car Infiniti will choose to introduce...
Infiniti (partially) explains the biggest recent revolution in combustion engines: the VC-Turbo

Jeep Compass tem potencial para mudar a cara do mercado: dirigido e avaliado
Alguns dias atrás, trouxemos a vocês a informação mais completa sobre a apresentação mundial do Jeep Compass. E foi muito fácil porque estávamos lá. Não importa de onde você esteja nos lendo: o Jeep Compass será um carro global, vendido na China, Índia, Austrália, África do Sul, Europa e América ...
Jeep Compass tem potencial para mudar a cara do mercado: dirigido e avaliado

Nissan revela oficialmente a 5ª geração do Micra. Ou March, dependendo de onde você mora

A 5ª geração do Nissan Micra, também chamado de March em alguns mercados, como o Brasil, escolheu um grande palco para ser apresentado. Em Paris, perto da primeira fábrica que o produzirá, Flins. E o carro parece ainda melhor do que as projeções especulativas o apresentaram.

O novo Micra tem...
Nissan revela oficialmente a 5ª geração do Micra. Ou March, dependendo de onde você mora

1 MW é o novo número mágico para carros elétricos: conheça o NextEV

Já contamos a você a história do Toroidion 1MW, o finlandês hipercarro elétrico. E ele tem algo em comum com o Rimac Concept_One e com o futuro Zava Prometheus: potência. Todos estes carros têm 1 MW, o novo número mágico entre os veículos eléctricos. Também é para o futuro hipercarro elétrico chi...
1 MW é o novo número mágico para carros elétricos: conheça o NextEV

Jaguar will bring back station wagons with the XF Sportbrake

Jaguar once built station wagons, but they are long gone. With the F-Pace, most people agreed it would not have another station wagon in its portfolio, but Jaguar has reconsidered that. And it will launch a new model in 2017, one that already has a name: XF Sportbrake. And has...
Jaguar will bring back station wagons with the XF Sportbrake

Land Rover reveals the 3rd generation Discovery at the Paris Motor Show

The 3rd generation of the Land Rover Discovery is the biggest ever: 4.97 m. Almost 5 m long, what could explain why some call it 5, but this is not the reason. This would presumably indicate a 5th generation, but the 2 and 4 were only facelifts of the 1 and 3. With things cleared up, Land Rover ...
Land Rover reveals the 3rd generation Discovery at the Paris Motor Show

Volkswagen plans to sell the production version of the I.D. in 2020

The Paris Motor Show has introduced Volkswagen most important bet in years. The I.D. Concept, which luckily has not been named EV, is an electric vehicle that Volkswagen wants to be as fundamental in its history as the Beetle and the Golf have been. Its production version should be ready by ...
Volkswagen plans to sell the production version of the I.D. in 2020

Only we can tell you how the Jeep Compass rides in English: driven and evaluated

A couple of days ago, we have brought our readers the most complete information on the Jeep Compass world presentation. And it was quite easy because we were present at the revelation. Yesterday and today we got the chance to drive the SUV for the first time and this is the first text in English...
Only we can tell you how the Jeep Compass rides in English: driven and evaluated

1 MW is the new magic number for electric cars: meet the NextEV

We have already told you the story on the Toroidion 1MW, the Finnish electric hypecar. And it has something in common with the Rimac Concept_One and with the future Zava Prometheus: power. All these cars have 1 MW, the new magic number among electric vehicles. And so does the future Chinese...
1 MW is the new magic number for electric cars: meet the NextEV

Mercedes-Benz teases its electric SUV before the Paris Motor Show

It is not only Volkswagen that wants to defy Tesla as the king of electric cars. Mercedes-Benz will attack with a new SUV to compete with the Model X and it will anticipate the machine with a concept at the Paris Motor Show. You can see it in the image above and also on the video below.

Mercedes-Benz teases its electric SUV before the Paris Motor Show

Jeep apresenta o novo Compass no Brasil
A Jeep divulgou as imagens oficiais e informações sobre o novo Compass. A apresentação aconteceu em Recife, Brasil, perto da fábrica que primeiro vai entregar o crossover, em Goiana. Sergio Marchionne, Mike Manley e Ralph Gilles assistiram à apresentação, mas apenas Gilles deu uma introdução sobr...
Jeep apresenta o novo Compass no Brasil

Jeep presents the new Compass in Brazil

Jeep has just released the official images and information on the new Compass. It will be offered with 2 engines in Brazil: a 2.0-liter TigerShark and a 2.0 Multijet turbodiesel.
The crossover is 4.42 m long, 1.82 m wide, 1.65 m tall and it has a wheelbase of 2.64 m. Its trunk can hold 410 l of ...
Jeep presents the new Compass in Brazil

When the engine is more important than the car, or the 2017 Fiat Uno: driven and evaluated

If you were a car manufacturer, what would you do to put a former sales champion back on the business? A new generation? A facelift? A new engine? Fiat has chosen the last 2 options to revive the Uno. The B-segment hatchback has had its 2nd generation presented in Brazil in 2010. And it has sold ...
When the engine is more important than the car, or the 2017 Fiat Uno: driven and evaluated

Hyundai vai apresentar seus modelos N com o RN30 Concept em Paris
A Hyundai está trabalhando há muito tempo no que ela chama de modelos N. Eles vão encarnar sua divisão de performance, a fim de dar à Hyundai uma reputação diferente. Ela não quer mais ser reconhecida apenas como uma fabricante de automóveis confiáveis e acessíveis. Ela quer que as pessoas deseje...
Hyundai vai apresentar seus modelos N com o RN30 Concept em Paris

Autocar revela esboços oficiais do Volks-Elektro-Wagen e, possivelmente, um nome: EV

A Autocar revelou momentos atrás os esboços oficiais do novo conceito de carro elétrico da Volkswagen. E chamou o carro de EV (Electric Vehicle, ou carro elétrico, em inglês). Não temos certeza se foi apenas uma maneira de se referir ao conceito, como nós o estamos chamando de Volks-E...
Autocar revela esboços oficiais do Volks-Elektro-Wagen e, possivelmente, um nome: EV

Autocar reveals official sketches of the Volks-Elektro-Wagen and possibly a name: EV
Autocar has revealed moments ago official sketches of the new electric car concept from Volkswagen. And it has called the car EV. We are not sure if it is just a way to refer to the concept, as we are calling it Volks-Elektro-Wagen, or if Volkswagen has really made this amazing creative effort...
Autocar reveals official sketches of the Volks-Elektro-Wagen and possibly a name: EV

IAB uncovers the new Nissan March, or Micra, front-end

Every once in a while someone in the motoring press has a brilliant idea. And we could not name this Indian Autos Blog initiative anything less than that: they have taken the sole image of the new generation Nissan Micra, or March, and fully revealed it by using the Sway Concept as a model for ...
IAB uncovers the new Nissan March, or Micra, front-end

Vidas de segunda classe - você quer mesmo um carro mais seguro?
A apresentação do Fiat Uno 2017 não nos trouxe apenas uma nova família de motores, a GSE. Também trouxe uma reflexão fundamental sobre segurança que ficaria restrita àqueles que assistiram a apresentação se não a trouxéssemos até aqui. E que pode ter ainda mais alcance se o jornalista Boris Feldm...
Vidas de segunda classe - você quer mesmo um carro mais seguro?

Second class lives - Do you really want a safer car?

The presentation of the 2017 Fiat Uno has not brought us a new engine family, the GSE. It has also brought a fundamental reflection on safety that would be restricted to the ones that watched the presentation if we were not to talk about it. And that can have even more reach if the Brazilian...
Second class lives - Do you really want a safer car?

Nissan will have the 5th generation Micra/March as its main star at the Paris Motor Show

The 5th generation Micra, also known as March in many markets, such as Brazil, will get to its 5th generation with the promise of being roomier and much more sophisticated than the 4th generation could ever imagine. Its revelation will happen at the upcoming Paris Motor Show, as the video belows...
Nissan will have the 5th generation Micra/March as its main star at the Paris Motor Show

Mini reforça presença das peruas em Paris com a John Cooper Works Clubman ALL4
Em nosso artigo anterior, sobre a nova Mercedes-Benz Classe E All-Terrain, já mencionamos que o Salão de Paris de 2016 será um palco para as peruas. E a Mini nos deu mais combustível para reforçar exatamente a mesma sensação com a introdução da versão John Cooper Works da Clubman. Peruas são mode...
Mini reforça presença das peruas em Paris com a John Cooper Works Clubman ALL4

Hyundai will introduce its N models with the RN30 Concept in Paris

Hyundai is working for a long time on what it calls N models. They will embody its performance division, in order to give Hyundai a different reputation. It does not want to be recognised as a producer of reliable and affordable cars anymore. It wants people to desire its cars. And the only way...
Hyundai will introduce its N models with the RN30 Concept in Paris

Mini reinforces station wagon presence in Paris with the John Cooper Works Clubma ALL4

In our previous article, about the new Mercedes-Benz E-Class All-Terrain, we have already mentioned that the 2016 Paris Motor Show will be a station wagon stage. And Mini has given us more fuel to reinforce exactly the same idea with the introduction of the John Cooper Works version of the ...
Mini reinforces station wagon presence in Paris with the John Cooper Works Clubma ALL4

Mercedes-Benz se une ao hype das peruas com o Classe E All-Terrain
Alguns já proclamaram sua morte. SUVs e crossovers teriam matado as peruas (ou carrinhas, ou caminhonetes, ou station wagons) para sempre, mas o fato é que elas estão bem vivas, como a Volvo V90 Cross Country demonstrou recentemente. Ela será apresentada no Salão de Paris, num palco em que outra ...
Mercedes-Benz se une ao hype das peruas com o Classe E All-Terrain

Mercedes-Benz joins the station wagon hype with the E-Class All-Terrain

Some have proclaimed them dead. SUVs and crossovers would have killed station wagons for good, but the fact is that they are alive and kicking, as the Volvo V90 Cross Country has recently demonstrated. It will be presented at the Paris Motor Show, a stage in which another D-segment station wagon...
Mercedes-Benz joins the station wagon hype with the E-Class All-Terrain

Alfa Romeo reveals the Giulia Veloce before the Paris Motor Show

The Giulia is no longer the main surprise Alfa Romeo can present. That role is reserved for the Stelvio, the brand’s first crossover, to be revealed at the Los Angeles Auto Show in November. Anyway, the Giulia can still make some hearts beat faster. Especially as the Giulia Veloce grade, t...
Alfa Romeo reveals the Giulia Veloce before the Paris Motor Show

FINALLY! - These are the specs of the Honda Civic Hatchback
When the first pictures of the Civic Hatchback appeared, Honda was fast in releasing official images of the car. At the time, we missed its technical specifications. Honda has finally disclosed them and they reveal a very impressive C-segment hatch.

The Civic Hatchback is 4.50 m long (as we...
FINALLY! - These are the specs of the Honda Civic Hatchback

Fiat apresenta os novos motores Firefly (GSE) no Brasil

A Fiat aproveitou a apresentação do modelo 2017 do Uno para introduzir um elemento muito mais importante: a nova família de motores Firefly. Este é o nome que a Fiat escolheu para eles, apesar de ainda chamá-los de GSE (Global Small Engine) internamente, como já anunciamos antes que eles eram no...
Fiat apresenta os novos motores Firefly (GSE) no Brasil

Assim deve ser o Hyundai Creta brasileiro, de acordo com o Indian Autos Blog
A Hyundai anunciou oficialmente na semana passada que fabricará no Brasil o Hyundai Creta. Numa tacada só, confirmou tanto o produto quanto o nome que ele terá por aqui. Suspeitava-se que ele pudesse ser chamado de ix25, mas não será o caso. Além disso, a Hyundai divulgou algumas imagens do model...
Assim deve ser o Hyundai Creta brasileiro, de acordo com o Indian Autos Blog

Fiat presents the new Firefly (GSE) engines in Brazil
Fiat has seized the presentation of the 2017 model of the Uno to introduced a much more important element: the new Firefly engine family. This is the name Fiat chose for them, even though it still calls them GSE (Global Small Engine), as we have announced previously that they would be named. And...
Fiat presents the new Firefly (GSE) engines in Brazil

Zava Prometheus promete bater o Bugatti Chiron com elétrons - ATUALIZADO
A revolução do carro está trazendo carros elétricos cada vez mais para o centro das atenções. Hipercarros elétricos são mais do que apenas uma promessa, como a Rimac Concept_S e o Toroidion 1MW já nos mostraram. Mas há uma empresa italiana que visa ultrapassar todos os esforços dos concorrentes. ...
Zava Prometheus promete bater o Bugatti Chiron com elétrons - ATUALIZADO

Volvo apresenta a nova V90 Cross Country
A Volvo liberou ontem as primeiras imagens da V90 Cross Country. Este modelo tradicional na linha Volvo tem uma enorme responsabilidade com suas antecessoras. E também com a marca.

A V90 Cross Country é basicamente uma V90 elevada, com uma maior distância ao solo. Neste caso, é 6 cm mais alto, c...
Volvo apresenta a nova V90 Cross Country

FLAGRA! - Novo Jeep Compass é fotografado no Brasil por Autoo sem nenhuma camuflagem! - ATUALIZADO

O projeto 551 foi desenvolvido e testado no Brasil e sua apresentação mundial também está prevista para acontecer neste país. A imagem acima é mais uma evidência disso. O carro foi fotografado sem disfarces em um hotel em São Paulo pelos nossos amigos do Autoo, onde ele provavelmente foi filmado ...
FLAGRA! - Novo Jeep Compass é fotografado no Brasil por Autoo sem nenhuma camuflagem! - ATUALIZADO

SCOOP! - New Jeep Compass replacement is photographed in Brazil by Autoo with no camo!
The project 551 has been developed and tested in Brazil and its world presentation is also expected to happen in this country. The image above is one more evidence of that. The car has been photographed with no disguises in a hotel in São Paulo by our friends of Autoo, where it was probably ...
SCOOP! - New Jeep Compass replacement is photographed in Brazil by Autoo with no camo!

Volkswagen teases its new Volks-Elektro-Wagen for Paris
Volkswagen released today the first images of its Volks-Elektro-Wagen, as we have told you some days ago. The problem is that it has only presented pieces of it, the ones you see in this page. And some of these images confirm the rendering published yesterday. Check it below.

Volkswagen teases its new Volks-Elektro-Wagen for Paris

Dacia reveals the restyling for Sandero and Logan before the Paris Motor Show

Dacia was testing the Sandero and the Logan with a facelift for quite a while and it has finally taken off the wraps. The new cars will present a mild restyling at the Paris Motor Show and the picture above shows all that has changed. And that is not very much, as you can see.
The main...
Dacia reveals the restyling for Sandero and Logan before the Paris Motor Show

LEAKED! - Mag-X reveals the 10th generation Honda Civic Type R
The Japanese magazine Mag-X has revealed today a leaked image of the Type R version of the 10th generation Honda Civic. And the hatchback has not even been duly introduced so far, unless you consider the official images that went out in August as an introduction.
The leaked image came with very...
LEAKED! - Mag-X reveals the 10th generation Honda Civic Type R

Toyota present the right-hand drive version of C-HR. And many of its colors
Although Toyota is a Japanese carmaker, with RHD (right-hand drive) cars in its home market, we only knew the LHD version of the new C-HR. Toyota has decided to correct this injustice by presenting the C-HR that will be sold in Australia. Besides that, the company has also presented many of the...
Toyota present the right-hand drive version of C-HR. And many of its colors

Mitsubishi presents the GT PHEV Concept for the Paris Motor Show
After Nissan bought Mitsubishi, many must have asked what would be the future for many of the latter most iconic models. What about the Lancer Evolution? And the Pajero, would it survive? The fact is that Mitsubishi will make a huge statement at the Paris Motor Show regarding the future of its...
Mitsubishi presents the GT PHEV Concept for the Paris Motor Show

Will VW try to make an electric people's car? This image points to that
AutoExpress has published today an article that says Volkswagen aims to have an electric vehicle able to run for 600 km. This would put it ahead of the competition, but AutoExpress seems to have missed a very important detail. Check the image above very carefully. The car that is under wraps is...
Will VW try to make an electric people's car? This image points to that

FCA revela um pedacinho do Alfa Romeo Stelvio em vídeo corporativo. Por quê? - ATUALIZADO
Quando o site italiano OmniAuto revelou que um vídeo do Alfa Romeo Stelvio foi feito dentro da fábrica de Cassino, acreditávamos que era um vídeo secreto ou algo do tipo. Mas no fim era um vídeo corporativo da planta, uma clara tentativa de mostrar o nível de qualidade de montagem que os novos Al...
FCA revela um pedacinho do Alfa Romeo Stelvio em vídeo corporativo. Por quê? - ATUALIZADO

FCA reveals a little piece of the Alfa Romeo Stelvio in corporate video. Why?
When OmniAuto revealed that a video of the Alfa Romeo Stelvio was made inside the Cassino plant, we were sure it was a leaked video or something of the kind. But it ended up being a corporate video of the plant, a clear attempt to present the level of assembly quality the new Alfa Romeo cars...
FCA reveals a little piece of the Alfa Romeo Stelvio in corporate video. Why?

Opel vai apresentar o Karl Rocks, um crossover de butique, no Salão de Paris
No Brasil, onde carros custam mais do que deveriam, inventou-se um termo fantástico para descrever carros comuns que querem apenas parecer crossovers: crossover de butique. Eles só têm a aparência de crossover, mas sem qualquer uma de suas vantagens. Alguns deles até têm pneus mais robustos e uma...
Opel vai apresentar o Karl Rocks, um crossover de butique, no Salão de Paris

Opel will introduce the Karl Rocks, a boutique-crossover, at the Paris Motor Show
In Brazil, where cars cost more than they should, a new term has been coined to describe regular cars that only look like crossovers: boutique-crossover. They only have the crossover appearance, but no function whatsoever. Some of them have beefier tires and a higher suspension, to cope with...
Opel will introduce the Karl Rocks, a boutique-crossover, at the Paris Motor Show

Nissan apresenta em Miami o Sentra que deveria ser padrão: o SR Turbo
O Nissan Sentra enfrenta uma maldição de longa data: ser considerado morno demais, tanto em termos de estilo quanto de desempenho. E a coisa é pior nos EUA, onde ele é vendido com um motor 1.8. Mas a Nissan lançou hoje uma versão do carro que poderia colocar essas críticas no chinelo no que diz r...
Nissan apresenta em Miami o Sentra que deveria ser padrão: o SR Turbo

Nissan apresenta em Miami o Sentra que deveria ser padrão: o SR Turbo
O Nissan Sentra enfrenta uma maldição de longa data: ser considerado morno demais, tanto em termos de estilo quanto de desempenho. E a coisa é pior nos EUA, onde ele é vendido com um motor 1.8. Mas a Nissan lançou hoje uma versão do carro que poderia colocar essas críticas no chinelo no que diz r...
Nissan apresenta em Miami o Sentra que deveria ser padrão: o SR Turbo

Porsche revela um sedã com consumo de combustível de motocicleta: o Panamera 4 E-Hybrid
A vida é cheia de compromissos. Você precisa do espaço de um sedã grande, mas a maioria deles bebe uma barbaridade. Motocicletas não oferecem nenhuma proteção contra as intempéries e, ocasionalmente, contra outros obstáculos, mas são frugais no consumo de combustível. A Porsche conseguiu se livra...
Porsche revela um sedã com consumo de combustível de motocicleta: o Panamera 4 E-Hybrid

Nissan presents in Miami the Sentra that should be standard: the SR Turbo
The Nissan Sentra faces a long-time curse: being deemed as too bland, both in terms of style and performance. But Nissan has introduced today a version of the car that could put these critics to rest in what relates to driving it: the SR Turbo. The 140 kW 1.6 4-cylinder turbocharged engine with...
Nissan presents in Miami the Sentra that should be standard: the SR Turbo

Karma apresenta o Revero por US$ 130.000 cada um
O Karma Revero finalmente teve sua apresentação oficial ontem em Laguna Beach, Califórnia. Embora a empresa tenha sido quase lacônica em seu comunicado de imprensa, ela já divulgou o catálogo do carro, o que nos ajuda a entender o carro novo de alguma forma. Ainda sentimos falta de algumas inform...
Karma apresenta o Revero por US$ 130.000 cada um

Porsche delivers a sedan with a motorcycle fuel consumption with the Panamera 4 E-Hybrid
Life is full of compromises. You need the room of a large sedan, but most of them are heavy drinkers. Motorcycles offer no protection against the weather and occasionally against other obstacles, but are frugal in fuel consumption. Porsche has managed to get rid of these trade-offs with the...
Porsche delivers a sedan with a motorcycle fuel consumption with the Panamera 4 E-Hybrid

Karma introduces the Revero at US$ 130,000 a piece
The Karma Revero has finally had its official presentation yesterday in Laguna Beach, California. Although the company has been almost laconic in its press release, it has already disclosed its brochure, what helps us get the new car in some sense. We still miss some information, but not the ...
Karma introduces the Revero at US$ 130,000 a piece

Quem será o proprietário de sorte (e rico) do Icona Vulcano Titanium?
Há algumas semanas, a Icona anunciou que levaria o Vulcano Titanium para o Salon Privé, no Reino Unido. O evento terminou em 3 de setembro, mas a principal dúvida sobre este carro ainda permanece: quem será o eleito para ser dono do único hipercarro de titânio no mundo?

O Icona Vulcano tem este ...
Quem será o proprietário de sorte (e rico) do Icona Vulcano Titanium?

Lexus replacement for the CT200h will be a crossover, anticipated by the UX Concept
The crossover frenzy is not happy anymore with competing with existing cars. It intends to replace them. We have already seen this happen with station wagons and sedans are also feeling the pressure. The next attack will be against C segment hatchbacks, the most important one in Europe. After...
Lexus replacement for the CT200h will be a crossover, anticipated by the UX Concept

Who will be the lucky (and wealthy) owner of the Icona Vulcano Titanium?
Some weeks ago, Icona announced it would take the Vulcano Titanium to the Salon Privé, in the United Kingdom. The event ended in September 3, but the main doubt about this car still remains: who will be the elected owner of the only titanium hypercar in the world?

The Icona Vulcano has this n...
Who will be the lucky (and wealthy) owner of the Icona Vulcano Titanium?

Após sua primeira imagem vazada, o Hyundai i30 se apresenta ao mundo
Quando vazam imagens oficiais de um carro prestes a ser apresentado, a revelação oficial ocorre logo depois. Foi o que aconteceu com o Škoda Kodiaq e agora com o Hyundai i30. É só uma pena que a Hyundai não tenha divulgado a maioria de suas informações técnicas. Não sabemos suas dimensões, por ex...
Após sua primeira imagem vazada, o Hyundai i30 se apresenta ao mundo

Peugeot reveals the 2nd generation 5008, now a 7-seat crossover based on the 3008
The previous Peugeot 5008 was a sort of sister to the Citroën C4 Grand Picasso. But the EMP2 platform has given Peugeot the chance to bet on a more profitable segment. This is pretty much why the 5008 is no longer a minivan, but a crossover. In other words, it is a longer 3008 that seats 7 ...
Peugeot reveals the 2nd generation 5008, now a 7-seat crossover based on the 3008

After its first leaked image, the Hyundai i30 presents itself to the world
When official images of a car about to be presented leak, the official revelation takes place soon afterwards. This is what has happened to the Škoda Kodiaq and now with the Hyundai i30. It is just a pity that Hyundai has not disclosed most of its technical information. We don’t know its di...
After its first leaked image, the Hyundai i30 presents itself to the world

The Alfa Romeo Stelvio will be revealed at the Los Angeles Auto Show
The first Alfa Romeo crossover already has a date to debut. It will be on November 15, 2016, when the Los Angeles Auto Show will open its gates to the press. And there is no better auto show for the presentation than that. LA is crazy for cars and especially for crossovers. If the Stelvio...
The Alfa Romeo Stelvio will be revealed at the Los Angeles Auto Show

Substituto do Jeep Compass será apresentado no Salão de Paris
Em janeiro, trouxemos a informação de que o substituto do Jeep Compass e do Patriot, conhecido até agora apenas como projeto 551, seria batizado de Compass. O CEO do jipe, Mike Manley, tinha nos dado essa impressão em uma entrevista para o Detroit News. Mas o fato é que algumas fontes muito confi...
Substituto do Jeep Compass será apresentado no Salão de Paris

Land Rover revela o Discovery 5 dias antes da sua apresentação oficial. Pelo menos parte dele...
A Land Rover levou a linguagem de design do Evoque à maioria dos seus modelos a não ser pelo Defender, que agora descansa em paz, e pelo Discovery. Mas isso está prestes a mudar, mais exatamente quando o Salão de Paris tiver início. A Land Rover vai revelar a 5ª geração do Discovery por lá. O car...
Land Rover revela o Discovery 5 dias antes da sua apresentação oficial. Pelo menos parte dele...

Land Rover reveals the Discovery 5 days before its presentation. At least part of it...
Land Rover has taken the Evoque design language to most of its models apart from the Defender, may it now rest in peace, and the Discovery. But this is about to change, more exactly when the Paris Motor Show opens its gates. Land Rover will reveal the 5th generation of the Discovery there. The...
Land Rover reveals the Discovery 5 days before its presentation. At least part of it...

Como ficaria um carro com escamas de peixe estilizadas? Veja o Varsovia Concept...
Muitos candidatos à fabricação de carros estão aproveitando com prazer a oportunidade que os elétricos puseram na mesa. É uma nova tecnologia (com a ajuda da eletrônica pelo menos), sem qualquer padrão, o que dará origem a uma série de abordagens criativas. Os investimentos também tendem a ser mu...
Como ficaria um carro com escamas de peixe estilizadas? Veja o Varsovia Concept...

How would a car with stylized fish scales look like? Check the Varsovia Concept...
Many candidates to car manufacturing are seizing gladly the opportunity that electric cars pose. It is a new technology (sort of, with the help of electronics), with no standards set, so many creative approaches will appear. Investments also tend to be much lower. But we still have to put what...
How would a car with stylized fish scales look like? Check the Varsovia Concept...

LEAKED! - brings the first official image of the Hyundai i30
The third generation of the Hyundai i30 will be unveiled at the next Paris Motor Show, about to open its gates. But the Spanish website has managed to obtain the first official image of the C-segment hatchback. Some could claim this is a photoshopped image, but we do not believe it...
LEAKED! - brings the first official image of the Hyundai i30

LEAKED! - The Škoda Kodiaq is no longer a mystery
The revelation of the new Škoda Kodiaq will happen at the 2016 Paris Motor Show, but we will not have to wait to see the crossover as it is. The Škoda Forum has leaked official images of the new vehicle. With the interior ones that the Czech company has already released, we can have a very pre...
LEAKED! - The Škoda Kodiaq is no longer a mystery

LEAKED! - The Škoda Kodiaq is no longer a mystery
The revelation of the new Škoda Kodiaq will happen at the 2016 Paris Motor Show, but we will not have to wait to see the crossover as it is. The Škoda Forum has leaked official images of the new vehicle. With the interior ones that the Czech company has already released, we can have a very pre...
LEAKED! - The Škoda Kodiaq is no longer a mystery

This is the 4th generation Kia Rio
We are now 28 days away from the 2016 edition of the Paris Motor Show, but Kia decided it was the best time for it to unveil its main attraction there. After revealing sketches of its new B-segment hatchback, the company has released the official pictures of the new Rio. And also some very...
This is the 4th generation Kia Rio

This is the 4th generation Kia Rio
We are now 28 days away from the 2016 edition of the Paris Motor Show, but Kia decided it was the best time for it to unveil its main attraction there. After revealing sketches of its new B-segment hatchback, the company has released the official pictures of the new Rio. And also some very...
This is the 4th generation Kia Rio

O 500º Ferrari LaFerrari será construído e leiloado para ajudar vítimas de terremoto na Itália
Uma tragédia comove todo mundo. Um terremoto na Itália central já matou pelo menos 292 pessoas até agora. A comune, ou cidade, mais afetada foi Amatrice, com 232 mortos e muitos mais feridos. O que nunca pensamos que fosse possível seria ver um carro voltar à produção por conta de algo do tipo. I...
O 500º Ferrari LaFerrari será construído e leiloado para ajudar vítimas de terremoto na Itália

The 500th Ferrari LaFerrari will be built and auctioned to help earthquake victims in Italy
A tragedy moves everyone. An earthquake in central Italy has killed at least 292 people so far. The most affected comune, or city, was Amatrice, with 232 people dead and many more injured. What we never thought that was possible was seeing a car move back into production. This is what Sergio...
The 500th Ferrari LaFerrari will be built and auctioned to help earthquake victims in Italy

Audi's version of the Porsche Mission E will be named A9 e-tron
The next big thing related to cars, as we have already explained, are electric drivetrains. Tesla has already made huge statements on that with the Model S and the Model X. What about the frenzy the Model 3 has caused? The move is so evident Porsche is already working on its electric sedan, the...
Audi's version of the Porsche Mission E will be named A9 e-tron

Bugatti may finally put the Galibier in its production plans
After its introduction, in September 14, 2009, marking the centenary of Bugatti, many rumors of the production of the 16 C Galibier started to emerge. It even had a confirmation for a 3,000 unit production run. For good reasons: the VW Group was losing money in each Veyron unit it sold and...
Bugatti may finally put the Galibier in its production plans

Citroën anticipates the CXperience Concept before the 2016 Paris Motor Show
The Citroën CX is considered as the last big Citroën. It had an unusually long career of almost 17 years, with 1.2 million units produced. It is the sort of reputation any car company should revere. And this is what Citroën intends to do with the CXperience Concept, one of its main attractions fo...
Citroën anticipates the CXperience Concept before the 2016 Paris Motor Show

nuTonomy claims to have a fleet of autonomous cabs. But that's just marketing, folks...
A company named nuTonomy made the headlines this week as the first company to provide a fleet of autonomous cabs. It would have beaten Uber in the intent. The sad news is that very few people seem to have read the press release the company issued. And the fact is that it is much more of a...
nuTonomy claims to have a fleet of autonomous cabs. But that's just marketing, folks...

nuTonomy claims to have a fleet of autonomous cabs. But that's just marketing, folks...
A company named nuTonomy made the headlines this week as the first company to provide a fleet of autonomous cabs. It would have beaten Uber in the intent. The sad news is that very few people seem to have read the press release the company issued. And the fact is that it is much more of a...
nuTonomy claims to have a fleet of autonomous cabs. But that's just marketing, folks...

Renault killed the best Caterham in history, the C120, to bring Alpine to life
When Renault bought Caterham’s part in their partnership to bring Alpine back to market, in June 2014, it has also apparently killed the best Caterham that we could have until now. The project was named C120 and was developed with the help of the Drive Design team. In a heartfelt post at ...
Renault killed the best Caterham in history, the C120, to bring Alpine to life

Toyota C-HR em versão de produção é fotografada pela Mag-X no Japão
O concorrente da Toyota para o mercado de crossovers do segmento B não começou a ser vendido até agora, mas está prestes a ser, de acordo com a revista japonesa Mag-X. Ela publicou uma foto da versão de produção em estradas japonesas, como você pode ver acima.
O C-HR tem 4,36 m de comprimento, 1,...
Toyota C-HR em versão de produção é fotografada pela Mag-X no Japão

Toyota C-HR in production version is photographed by Mag-X in Japan
Toyota’s contender for the B-segment crossover market has not started sales so far, but it is about to, according to the Japanese magazine Mag-X. It has published a picture of the production version at Japanese roads, as you can see above.
The C-HR is 4.36 m long, 1.80 m wide, 1.56 m high...
Toyota C-HR in production version is photographed by Mag-X in Japan

Esqueça o DS 3. O substituto do hot hatch será um crossover, de acordo com a L'Argus
Se você é um grande fã do DS 3, certifique-se de comprar um antes que a PSA desista de produzi-los. De acordo com a revista francesa L’Argus, no Salão de Genebra de 2018, ele receberá um substituto e não será mais um hatchback de 3 portas. Em vez da carroceria esportiva, veríamos um crossov...
Esqueça o DS 3. O substituto do hot hatch será um crossover, de acordo com a L'Argus

Esqueça o DS 3. O substituto do hot hatch será um crossover, de acordo com a L'Argus
Se você é um grande fã do DS 3, certifique-se de comprar um antes que a PSA desista de produzi-los. De acordo com a revista francesa L’Argus, no Salão de Genebra de 2018, ele receberá um substituto e não será mais um hatchback de 3 portas. Em vez da carroceria esportiva, veríamos um crossov...
Esqueça o DS 3. O substituto do hot hatch será um crossover, de acordo com a L'Argus

Forget the DS 3. The hot hatch replacement will be a crossover, according to L'Argus
If you are a big fan of the DS 3, make sure you get one before PSA gives up on producing them. According to the French magazine L’Argus, at the 2018 Geneva Motor Show it will receive a replacement and it will not be a 3-door hatchback anymore. Instead of the hot hatch body, we would see a...
Forget the DS 3. The hot hatch replacement will be a crossover, according to L'Argus

Fiat Uno 2017 vai revelar a nova linha de motores de entrada da FCA, chamados GSE (Global Small Engine)
A FCA anunciou no Brasil que sua nova linha de motores de entrada, chamada GSE (Global Small Engine), fará sua primeira aparição sob o capô do Fiat Uno 2017. Ela incluirá um 1.0 de 3 cilindros e um 1.3 de 4 cilindros flex. A empresa também lançou a primeira imagem do novo carro, cuja apre...
Fiat Uno 2017 vai revelar a nova linha de motores de entrada da FCA, chamados GSE (Global Small Engine)

2017 Fiat Uno will unveil new line of entry-level engines for FCA, called GSE (Global Small Engine)
FCA has just announced in Brazil its new line of entry-level engines, called GSE (Global Small Engine), will make their first appearance under the hood of the 2017 Fiat Uno. They will include a 1.0 3-cylinder and a 1.3 4-cylinder petrol mills. The company has also released the first image of the...
2017 Fiat Uno will unveil new line of entry-level engines for FCA, called GSE (Global Small Engine)

2017 Fiat Uno will unveil new line of entry-level engines for FCA, called GSE (Global Small Engine)
FCA has just announced in Brazil its new line of entry-level engines, called GSE (Global Small Engine), will make their first appearance under the hood of the 2017 Fiat Uno. They will include a 1.0 3-cylinder and a 1.3 4-cylinder petrol mills. The company has also released the first image of the...
2017 Fiat Uno will unveil new line of entry-level engines for FCA, called GSE (Global Small Engine)

O Tesla Model S agora é o carro mais rápido à venda no mundo em sua versão P100D Ludicrous

O Tesla Model S é um carro extraordinário. Não só devido a ser o primeiro carro elétrico moderno desejável, mas também devido a seus níveis de autonomia, segurança e aceleração. Em sua versão P90D Ludicrous, ele pode ir de 0 a 100 km/h em 2,6 s e tem um alcance de 509 km. Ele ainda está à venda e...
O Tesla Model S agora é o carro mais rápido à venda no mundo em sua versão P100D Ludicrous

O Tesla Model S agora é o carro mais rápido à venda no mundo em sua versão P100D Ludicrous

O Tesla Model S é um carro extraordinário. Não só devido a ser o primeiro carro elétrico moderno desejável, mas também devido a seus níveis de autonomia, segurança e aceleração. Em sua versão P90D Ludicrous, ele pode ir de 0 a 100 km/h em 2,6 s e tem um alcance de 509 km. Ele ainda está à venda e...
O Tesla Model S agora é o carro mais rápido à venda no mundo em sua versão P100D Ludicrous

The Tesla Model S is now the quickest car for sale in the world in its P100D Ludicrous specification
The Tesla Model S is an extraordinary car. Not only due to being the first desirable modern electric car, but also due to its range, safety and acceleration power. In its P90D Ludicrous version, it could go from 0 to 100 km/h in 2.6 s and it had a range of 509 km. It is still for sale and costs...
The Tesla Model S is now the quickest car for sale in the world in its P100D Ludicrous specification

Kia promises to reveal the 4th generation Rio at the Paris Motor Show
The 4th generation of the Kia Rio has already been photographed in tests in many different places, but now we have not only an official date for its debut. Kia has also released renderings that already give us a fair idea on what it will look like when it is publicly revealed at the Paris Motor...
Kia promises to reveal the 4th generation Rio at the Paris Motor Show

Kia promises to reveal the 4th generation Rio at the Paris Motor Show
The 4th generation of the Kia Rio has already been photographed in tests in many different places, but now we have not only an official date for its debut. Kia has also released renderings that already give us a fair idea on what it will look like when it is publicly revealed at the Paris Motor...
Kia promises to reveal the 4th generation Rio at the Paris Motor Show

LEAKED! - This is the facelifted VW Golf VII, according to
The current generation of the VW Golf, the 7th, has first appeared in 2012. A 4-year career in the world of cars always demands some sort of renewal. And the Golf VII’s is expected to show up at this year’s Paris Motor Show. At least in the flesh, since we already have the images of...
LEAKED! - This is the facelifted VW Golf VII, according to

Pai do Ferrari Enzo, Ken Okuyama apresenta o kode57 no Pebble Beach Concours D'Elegance
O Pebble Beach Concours D’Elegance não foi o palco de estreia apenas para o Lamborghini Centenario Roadster ou para o Aston Martin Vanquish Zagato Volante. Se você nunca ouviu falar de Ken Okuyama, ele é o pai de nada menos do que o Ferrari Enzo. Embora ele tivesse um design controverso, do...
Pai do Ferrari Enzo, Ken Okuyama apresenta o kode57 no Pebble Beach Concours D'Elegance

Pai do Ferrari Enzo, Ken Okuyama apresenta o kode57 no Pebble Beach Concours D'Elegance
O Pebble Beach Concours D’Elegance não foi o palco de estreia apenas para o Lamborghini Centenario Roadster ou para o Aston Martin Vanquish Zagato Volante. Se você nunca ouviu falar de Ken Okuyama, ele é o pai de nada menos do que o Ferrari Enzo. Embora ele tivesse um design controverso, do...
Pai do Ferrari Enzo, Ken Okuyama apresenta o kode57 no Pebble Beach Concours D'Elegance

Father of the Ferrari Enzo, Ken Okuyama presents the kode57 at the Pebble Beach Concours D'Elegance
The Pebble Beach Concours D’Elegance was not the debut stage only for the Lamborghini Centenario Roadster or for the Aston Martin Vanquish Zagato Volante. If you have never heard of Ken Okuyama, he is the father of nothing less than the Ferrari Enzo. Although it had a controversial design,...
Father of the Ferrari Enzo, Ken Okuyama presents the kode57 at the Pebble Beach Concours D'Elegance

Lamborghini apresenta o Centenario Roadster no Pebble Beach Concours D'Elegance
Quando a Lamborghini apresentou o Centenario, no Salão de Genebra deste ano, em março passado, ela também prometeu uma versão sem capota da homenagem a Ferruccio. Ela só apareceu no Pebble Beach Concours D’Elegance, que acontece neste final de semana. Este é o Lamborghini Centenario Roadst...
Lamborghini apresenta o Centenario Roadster no Pebble Beach Concours D'Elegance

Aston Martin will produce 99 more Vanquish Zagato units. But in Vanquish Zagato Volante guise!
It was with great joy that we have received the news that Aston Martin would produce the Vanquish Zagato, presented as a concept at the Concorso D’Eleganza Villa D’Este. But only 99 Vanquish Zagato units will reach the production lines. Anyway, Aston Martin has found a way to double...
Aston Martin will produce 99 more Vanquish Zagato units. But in Vanquish Zagato Volante guise!

Lamborghini introduces the Centenario Roadster at the Pebble Beach Concours D'Elegance
When Lamborghini presented the Centenario, back at the 2016 Geneva Motor Show, last March, it also promised a drop top version of the homage to Ferruccio. It has just appeared, at the Pebble Beach Concours D’Elegance. This is the Lamborghini Centenario Roadster. And all its 20 units have...
Lamborghini introduces the Centenario Roadster at the Pebble Beach Concours D'Elegance

Lamborghini introduces the Centenario Roadster at the Pebble Beach Concours D'Elegance
When Lamborghini presented the Centenario, back at the 2016 Geneva Motor Show, last March, it also promised a drop top version of the homage to Ferruccio. It has just appeared, at the Pebble Beach Concours D’Elegance. This is the Lamborghini Centenario Roadster. And all its 20 units have...
Lamborghini introduces the Centenario Roadster at the Pebble Beach Concours D'Elegance

When news are not new: the Ford GT will have the same production it was scheduled to have
In the automotive news business, sometimes we face days with no news at all. There is nothing important or interesting to report, but there is an urge to publish so that you can keep your readers entertained. That brings some risks, such as buying things that are not necessarily new. Or that are...
When news are not new: the Ford GT will have the same production it was scheduled to have

When news are not new: the Ford GT will have the same production it was scheduled to have
In the automotive news business, sometimes we face days with no news at all. There is nothing important or interesting to report, but there is an urge to publish so that you can keep your readers entertained. That brings some risks, such as buying things that are not necessarily new. Or that are...
When news are not new: the Ford GT will have the same production it was scheduled to have

Cadillac nos dá um vislumbre de suas direções futuras de design com o Escala Concept
Se a Daimler nos apresentou um cupê elétrico de 5,70 m, o Vision Mercedes-Maybach 6, a Cadillac também não queria ficar sem carros longos para mostrar no Pebble Beach Concours D’Elegance. Embora seu “sedã” seja consideravelmente mais curto (5,35 m), o Escala Concept também quer ...
Cadillac nos dá um vislumbre de suas direções futuras de design com o Escala Concept

Cadillac gives us a glimpse of its future design directions with the Escala Concept
If Daimler has presented us a 5.70 m electric coupé, the Vision Mercedes-Maybach 6, Cadillac did not want to be short of long cars at the Pebble Beach Concours D’Elegance. Although its “sedan” is considerably shorter (5.35 m), the Escala Concept also wants to amaze customers ...
Cadillac gives us a glimpse of its future design directions with the Escala Concept

Vision Mercedes-Maybach 6 is a 550 kW and 5.70 m electric coupé
Some days ago, some of the official images of the new Mercedes-Benz concept have leaked in the internet. Its name was supposed to be Mercedes-Maybach Vision 6 and no information came along with the pictures. Daimler has finally revealed the car, close to its public presentation at the Pebble ...
Vision Mercedes-Maybach 6 is a 550 kW and 5.70 m electric coupé

Como seria o Nissan Kicks em um mundo perfeito? Eis o palpite de Fernando Morita
Se você esteve no MotorChase ultimamente, você deve ter visto como o Toyota Etios poderia ser em um mundo perfeito. O carro de entrada da Toyota melhorado foi concebido pelo designer brasileiro Fernando Morita, pai do DoniRosset. E Morita não tem dedicado seus esforços exclusivamente para o Etios...
Como seria o Nissan Kicks em um mundo perfeito? Eis o palpite de Fernando Morita

How would the Nissan Kicks look like in a perfect world? Here's Fernando Morita's guess
If you have been around MotorChase lately, you must have seen what the Toyota Etios could look like in a perfect world. The improved econobox was conceived by the Brazilian designer Fernando Morita, father of the DoniRosset. And Morita has not dedicated his efforts solely to the Etios, but also ...
How would the Nissan Kicks look like in a perfect world? Here's Fernando Morita's guess

LEAKED! - The Mercedes-Maybach Vision 6 appears before its Pebble Beach reveal
One of the biggest surprises for the Pebble Beach Concours d’Elegance this year is the concept Mercedes-Benz has promised to introduce. Teased as the Mercedes-Maybach Vision 6, it was a 6 m long coupé with gullwing doors. But the teasers have failed to keep the surprise alive, especially ...
LEAKED! - The Mercedes-Maybach Vision 6 appears before its Pebble Beach reveal

Volkswagen confirma que está desenvolvendo um Amarok SUV
Desde que a Amarok foi apresentada pela primeira vez, em 2010, sempre fez sentido ela ter um Amarok SUV. SUVs sobre chassi são ainda muito apreciados pelos clientes, como demonstram os Chevrolet Trailbrazer e o Toyota SW4. Até a Ford fez o seu, baseado na Ranger, e o chamou de Everest. E a Nissan...
Volkswagen confirma que está desenvolvendo um Amarok SUV

Volkswagen confirms it is developing an Amarok SUV
Ever since the Amarok was first presented, back in 2010, it always made sense to have an SUV version of it. Body-on-frame SUVs are still very much appreciated by customers, as the Chevrolet Trailbrazer and the Toyota SW4 demonstrate. Even Ford has done one based on the Ranger and called it...
Volkswagen confirms it is developing an Amarok SUV

Side impact bars: which cars have it and which ones don't?
Latin NCAP revealed the results of the crash tests performed with the Peugeot 208 produced in Brazil in June. The car did not have side impact bars, as the European version does. It was shocking. We always thought that side impact bars were an industry standard. In Brazil, the first cars to ...
Side impact bars: which cars have it and which ones don't?

Editor do MotorChase ganha 10º Prêmio SAE de Jornalismo
Quando você começa um negócio, um de seus componentes principais é esperança. Você espera que o público chegue a seus produtos, que goste deles e que continue a vir atrás do que você tem a oferecer. Um negócio bem-sucedido tenta oferecer itens que estão em alta demanda. Mas, quando se trata de jo...
Editor do MotorChase ganha 10º Prêmio SAE de Jornalismo

Editor do MotorChase ganha 10º Prêmio SAE de Jornalismo
Quando você começa um negócio, um de seus componentes principais é esperança. Você espera que o público chegue a seus produtos, que goste deles e que continue a vir atrás do que você tem a oferecer. Um negócio bem-sucedido tenta oferecer itens que estão em alta demanda. Mas, quando se trata de jo...
Editor do MotorChase ganha 10º Prêmio SAE de Jornalismo

MotorChase editor wins 10th SAE Journalism Prize
When you start a business, you always hope for the best. You expect the public to reach your products, to like them and to keep on coming for what you have to offer. An intelligent business case tries to offer items that are in high demand. When it comes to Journalism, you expect the public to...
MotorChase editor wins 10th SAE Journalism Prize

Rimac Concept_One beats Ferrari LaFerrari and Tesla Model S P90D
The Rimac Concept_One is an impressive machine. We have already described it here for our readers, as well as its stronger version, the Concept_S. We have also described its R-AWTV torque vectoring system. What we have not seen so far are the first deliveries of the car. Only 8 units will be ...
Rimac Concept_One beats Ferrari LaFerrari and Tesla Model S P90D

Como funciona o novo motor Infiniti VC-T, de relação de compressão variável?
Um motor com uma taxa de compressão variável é um sonho de longa data entre os engenheiros. Isso impediria a batida de pino facilmente, ao mesmo tempo em que entregaria uma máquina muitíssimo mais eficiente. Mas as tentativas iniciais nunca funcionaram. Mesmo quando a eletrônica veio para dar uma...
Como funciona o novo motor Infiniti VC-T, de relação de compressão variável?

How does the new Infiniti VC-T variable compression ratio engine work?
An engine with a variable compression ratio is a longtime dream among engineers. It would prevent knock easily, while still making a very efficient piece of machinery. But early attempts have never worked. Even when electronics came to give a hand, no one has managed to make a variable...
How does the new Infiniti VC-T variable compression ratio engine work?

Honda revela as imagens oficiais do novo Civic Hatchback. Exclusivamente com o motor 1.5 turbo
Depois que o Civic Hatchback foi fotografado a caminho dos EUA, a Honda deve ter pensado que seria melhor liberar algumas informações sobre ele. Qual era o sentido em manter um mistério sobre um carro que todo mundo já viu? É por isso que a empresa o apresentou oficialmente hoje. Com fotos melhor...
Honda revela as imagens oficiais do novo Civic Hatchback. Exclusivamente com o motor 1.5 turbo

Honda reveals the official images of the new Civic Hatchback. Exclusively with the 1.5 turbo engine
After the Civic Hatchback was photographed on its way to the USA, Honda must have thought it would be better to release information about it. What was the sense in keeping a mystery over a car everyone has already seen? This is why the company has officially presented it today. With better...
Honda reveals the official images of the new Civic Hatchback. Exclusively with the 1.5 turbo engine

DoniRosset. Or the best gift a father has ever received
Today is Father’s Day in Brazil. The second Sunday of August is very likely a day to celebrate fatherhood other countries, but I am not really sure which. Whatever. This story also comes from Brazil. And it is about the best gift ever given to a father besides becoming a father. It has to ...
DoniRosset. Or the best gift a father has ever received

What would the Toyota Etios look like in a perfect world? Fernando Morita gives us his vision
You probably have never heard of DoniRosset. This is an injustice we are about to fix, but what you need to know now is that it has been designed by Fernando Morita. He is a talented Brazilian designer that has already worked for Volkswagen and is now a design teacher at IED (Istituto Europeo di...
What would the Toyota Etios look like in a perfect world? Fernando Morita gives us his vision

What would the Toyota Etios look like in a perfect world? Fernando Morita gives us his vision
You probably have never heard of DoniRosset. This is an injustice we are about to fix, but what you need to know now is that it has been designed by Fernando Morita. He is a talented Brazilian designer that has already worked for Volkswagen and is now a design teacher at IED (Istituto Europeo di...
What would the Toyota Etios look like in a perfect world? Fernando Morita gives us his vision

Driving etiquette: the things you must avoid so that people do not curse you
Putting your elbows on the table is something that will earn you some askance looks. It is reputed to be impolite according to dining etiquette. We personally do not give a damn if you care about this code of rules, but there is one you should know by heart: driving etiquette. When disrespected,...
Driving etiquette: the things you must avoid so that people do not curse you

FLAGRA! - Honda Civic Hatchback aparece enquanto era transportado
Ainda não temos as especificações técnicas ou os preços do novo Honda Civic Hatchback, mas isto é só o que está faltando. O carro foi fotografado pelo pessoal do site no Reino Unido, onde ele é produzido, sem qualquer camuflagem. Veja abaixo.

Esta foi tirada enquanto os carros eram li...
FLAGRA! - Honda Civic Hatchback aparece enquanto era transportado

SCOOP! - Honda Civic Hatchback appears while being transported
We still do not have the technical specifications or the prices for the new Honda Civic Hatchback, but this is pretty much all that is lacking. The car has been photographed by the guys at in the United Kingdom, where it is produced, with no camo at all. Check below.

This one was ...
SCOOP! - Honda Civic Hatchback appears while being transported

Karma revela primeira imagem e vídeo do Revero
Há muita expectativa em torno do novo Karma Revero, uma vez também conhecido como Fisker Karma. O belo carro elétrico com um extensor de autonomia quase foi condenado pela falência da sua fabricante, mas o projeto voltou à vida quando a Fisker Automotive foi comprada pela Wanxiang. Mesmo o Fisker...
Karma revela primeira imagem e vídeo do Revero

Honda ZSX será o nome do mini NSX, de acordo com patentes
Há rumores de que a Honda criará um esportivo menor do que o NSX. Quando as primeiras imagens do carro apareceram em registros de patente, os que você vê neste artigo, muitos apostaram no nome S2000. Mas o revelou hoje que a Honda registrou um nome novo, tanto na Europa quanto nos Est...
Honda ZSX será o nome do mini NSX, de acordo com patentes

Honda will name the baby NSX as the ZSX, according to patents
There is a rumor that Honda will create a smaller sports cars than the NSX. When the first images of the car appeared through patent images, the ones you see in this article, many bet in the S2000 nameplate. But has revealed today that Honda has registered a new name, both in Europe...
Honda will name the baby NSX as the ZSX, according to patents

Honda will name the baby NSX as the ZSX, according to patents
There is a rumor that Honda will create a smaller sports cars than the NSX. When the first images of the car appeared through patent images, the ones you see in this article, many bet in the S2000 nameplate. But has revealed today that Honda has registered a new name, both in Europe...
Honda will name the baby NSX as the ZSX, according to patents

Audi terá uma suspensão que recupera energia, a eROT, com amortecedor eletromecânico rotativo
As suspensões não foram sempre as mesmas. A finada hidropneumática da Citroën é um exemplo disso. Ela morreu devido a custos e a falta de escala. Mas estas questões podem ser superadas se a suspensão ajudar em mais aspectos do que apenas em rodar com conforto e segurança. E se ela ajudar também a...
Audi terá uma suspensão que recupera energia, a eROT, com amortecedor eletromecânico rotativo