The third generation Nissan Navara, also known as frontier, will have its SUV version. Not like the XTerra, apparently, but with the exact same front end of the pick-up. The image above, created by the designer Andrey Kirichenko, has not been made out of the blue. The Frontier SUV is really...
Is Nissan planning a Navara/Frontier SUV? Yes, it is...
Is Nissan planning a Navara/Frontier SUV? Yes, it is...
You may never have heard of Marco de Bari. But you should. And you will
I have started to write this text way before the news was officially confirmed. But there are moments in which being a reporter makes you know what you’ll have to report. Way before you have to do it. In this case, not only for a professional need or technical difficulties (MotorChase is ...
You may never have heard of Marco de Bari. But you should. And you will
You may never have heard of Marco de Bari. But you should. And you will
I have started to write this text way before the news was officially confirmed. But there are moments in which being a reporter makes you know what you’ll have to report. Way before you have to do it. In this case, not only for a professional need or technical difficulties (MotorChase is ...
You may never have heard of Marco de Bari. But you should. And you will
Você pode nunca ter ouvido falar de Marco de Bari. Mas deveria. E vai
Eu comecei a escrever este texto bem mais cedo, muito antes de a notícia ser oficialmente confirmada. Há momentos em que ser um repórter faz você ter de antecipar o que terá de reportar. Muito antes de precisar. Neste caso, não só por dever de ofício e dificuldade técnica (o MotorChase é bilíngue...
Você pode nunca ter ouvido falar de Marco de Bari. Mas deveria. E vai
É assim que o Lamborghini Centenario Roadster pode ser, de acordo com LamboCars
Quando a Lamborghini apresentou o Centenario, no Salão de Genebra deste ano, a montadora italiana anunciou que iria produzir 20 unidades do modelo de capota rígida e 20 do conversível, que ainda está para ser mostrado. Mas o site, ou mais especificamente Mark Smeyers, decidiu anteci...
É assim que o Lamborghini Centenario Roadster pode ser, de acordo com LamboCars
This is what the Lamborghini Centenario Roadster could look like, according to LamboCars
When Lamborghini presented the Centenario, at the 2016 Geneva Motor Show, the Italian carmaker announced it would produce 20 units of the hard top and 20 of a convertible that is yet to be shown. But, or more specifically Mark Smeyers, has decided to anticipate what this new ...
This is what the Lamborghini Centenario Roadster could look like, according to LamboCars
O Peugeot 408 mostra que poupar dinheiro pode ser arriscado: dirigido e avaliado
Em “países em desenvolvimento”, algumas montadoras recorrem a plataformas antigas para oferecer carros mais baratos. Ou para maximizar os lucros. Um bom exemplo dessa estratégia é o Peugeot 408. Esta é a versão sedã da primeira geração do Peugeot 308, a T7. Ele é construído sobre a pl...
O Peugeot 408 mostra que poupar dinheiro pode ser arriscado: dirigido e avaliado
Virou epidemia: outro motorista de Tesla Model X diz que ele estava no Autopilot. Só que não...
Em um artigo recente, avisamo sobre um novo fenômeno: as montadoras estão sendo culpadas pelo uso indevido de seus carros. E não demorou para que as coisas mudassem de figura. Agora são os próprios motoristas que estão optando por culpar os fabricantes de automóveis pelas coisas estúpidas que faz...
Virou epidemia: outro motorista de Tesla Model X diz que ele estava no Autopilot. Só que não...
The Peugeot 408 shows saving money can be risky: driven and evaluated
In “developing countries”, some automakers resort to old platforms in order to offer cheaper cars. Or to maximize profits. A good example of that strategy is the Peugeot 408. If you have never heard of it, this is the sedan version of the first generation Peugeot 308, the T7. It is...
The Peugeot 408 shows saving money can be risky: driven and evaluated
It's becoming epidemic: another Tesla Model X driver says he was on Autopilot when he wasn't
In a very recent article, we have warned about a new phenomenon: automakers being blamed for the misuse of their cars. And it did not took long for things to turn around. Now people are choosing to blame the carmakers for the stupid things they do at the steering wheel. And Tesla is the more...
It's becoming epidemic: another Tesla Model X driver says he was on Autopilot when he wasn't
Este é o Aston Martin Red Bull 001, também chamado de Hyperis
O novo supercarro da Aston Martin e da Red Bull, o Aston Martin Red Bull 001, também chamado Hyperis, está sendo apresentado agora. Mas não pudemos esperar para lhe trazer as imagens. Veja-as abaixo.
A Aston Martin e a Red Bull só divulgaram as imagens oficiais e algumas poucas informações sobre...
Este é o Aston Martin Red Bull 001, também chamado de Hyperis
Hypercar Day! - This is the Ferrari LaFerrari Spider
July 5 is no Independence Day. It is Hypercar Day, at least in 2016. After Aston Martin revealed the new Hyperis, also known as Aston Martin Red Bull 001 Concept, Ferrari must have felt jealous with all the attention the new car received and decided to show the first official picture of the...
Hypercar Day! - This is the Ferrari LaFerrari Spider
This is the Aston Martin Red Bull 001, also called Hyperis
The new supercar from Aston Martin and Red Bull, the Aston Martin Red Bull 001, also called Hyperis, is being presented right now. But we could not wait to bring you the images. Check them out.
All we know so far is that it will probably be powered by a naturally aspirated V12. More on the go.
This is the Aston Martin Red Bull 001, also called Hyperis
This is what the Mercedes-Benz X-Class will look like, according to Quatro Rodas
There seems to be no decision on the name of the new midsize pick-up from Mercedes-Benz. It may be called X-Class or GLT, but, with the presentation of the new Renault Alaskan, its final form would be easier to find. This is what the Brazilian magazine Quatro Rodas has claimed with its new...
This is what the Mercedes-Benz X-Class will look like, according to Quatro Rodas
Defeito vs. uso indevido: quando as montadoras devem ser culpadas?
Jeremy Clarkson disse uma vez que o melhor dispositivo de segurança que um carro poderia ter seria uma faca saindo no volante e apontando para o coração do motorista. Seria a maneira mais eficaz para que as pessoas usassem cintos de segurança e dirigissem cuidadosamente. Mesmo que fosse uma piada...
Defeito vs. uso indevido: quando as montadoras devem ser culpadas?
Defect vs. Misuse: when should automakers be to blame?
Jeremy Clarkson once said that the best safety device a car could have would be a knife sticking out of the steering wheel and pointing to the driver’s heart. It would be the most effective way for people to wear seat belts and drive carefully. Even if that was meant as a joke, this quote...
Defect vs. Misuse: when should automakers be to blame?