Quando a Nissan anunciou sua nova tecnologia SOFC (Solid-Oxide Fuel Cell, ou pilha de combustível de óxido sólido), antecipamos: o Brasil seria o lugar ideal para testes. Pela simples razão de já ter uma rede de distribuição de etanol como combustível. Bingo. A Nissan anunciou hoje que o e-Bio Fu...
Nissan afirma que e-Bio Fuel Cell é o primeiro veículo com SOFC (pilha de combustível de óxido sólido)
Nissan afirma que e-Bio Fuel Cell é o primeiro veículo com SOFC (pilha de combustível de óxido sólido)
Nissan mostra o novo BladeGlider no Rio de Janeiro
O palco para os Jogos Olímpicos ajudará a Nissan a revelar mais do que apenas o Kicks. A empresa revelou hoje 2 protótipos mais refinados do BladeGlider, um conceito apresentado pela primeira vez no Salão de Tóquio de 2013. Pelo que sabemos, o carro esportivo elétrico é apenas uma das surpresas q...
Nissan mostra o novo BladeGlider no Rio de Janeiro
Nissan claims the e-Bio Fuel Cell is the first SOFC (Solid-Oxide Fuel Cell) vehicle
When Nissan first announced its new SOFC (Solid-Oxide Fuel Cell) technology, we have anticipated: Brazil would be the ideal place for testing. For the simple reason it already has an ethanol distribution network as a fuel. Bingo. Nissan has announced today that the e-Bio Fuel Cell is already...
Nissan claims the e-Bio Fuel Cell is the first SOFC (Solid-Oxide Fuel Cell) vehicle
Nissan shows the new BladeGlider in Rio de Janeiro
The stage for the Olympics will help Nissan reveal more than just the Kicks. The company has revealed today 2 more refined prototypes of the BladeGlider, a concept first presented at the 2013 Tokyo Motor Show. For what we know, the electric sports car is just one of the surprises Nissan has in...
Nissan shows the new BladeGlider in Rio de Janeiro
Carros novos exigiram resgates mais freqüentes em 2015, de acordo com AAA
Recentemente li um artigo muito interessante de Aaron Robinson, o editor-chefe da Car and Driver, comparando a complexidade dos carburadores no final de suas vidas com a complexidade atual dos motores. De acordo com a AAA (American Automobile Association), isso pode ser estendido para o carro ...
Carros novos exigiram resgates mais freqüentes em 2015, de acordo com AAA
Newer cars required more frequent rescues in 2015, according to AAA
I have recently read a very interesting article from Aaron Robinson, the chief-editor of Car and Driver, comparing the complexity of carburetors in the end of their lives with the current complexity of engines. According to AAA (American Automobile Association), that could be extended to car as...
Newer cars required more frequent rescues in 2015, according to AAA
Newer cars required more frequent rescues in 2015, according to AAA
I have recently read a very interesting article from Aaron Robinson, the chief-editor of Car and Driver, comparing the complexity of carburetors in the end of their lives with the current complexity of engines. According to AAA (American Automobile Association), that could be extended to car as...
Newer cars required more frequent rescues in 2015, according to AAA
According to Carlos Ghosn, the Renault Kwid is an SUV. Really!
Carlos Ghosn, CEO of Renault and Nissan, was today in Brazil to announce a range expansion. According to the press release, he said the following: “We expect to capture a significant percentage of the fast-growing SUV segment in Brazil. With three of our SUV models to be produced in ...
According to Carlos Ghosn, the Renault Kwid is an SUV. Really!
The Transit Explore Bus, or TEB, has really been built!
When the first images of the Transit Explore Bus, or TEB, emerged on the internet, most people doubted it. How could a 2-floor bus that takes two lanes and lets cars run under it ever make it to the streets? Well, it has, as the video below shows.
The vehicle was supposed to be named Land...
The Transit Explore Bus, or TEB, has really been built!
While autonomous cars don't come, Yee Fung will use the Geta robot to save parking space
You must have already seen a parking space in which your car did not fit. At least not so that you could get out of it. Or had an argument with neighbours because of parking in your building. Autonomous car technology would have saved you from both nuisances, as the Summon feature in Tesla cars...
While autonomous cars don't come, Yee Fung will use the Geta robot to save parking space
Valene Motors promete trazer o esportivo elétrico Black Mamba ao mercado
Promessas de novos carros e fabricantes são inúmeras nos anos mais recentes. Tanto que eles cunharam o termo “vaporware”, ou aqueles carros que acabam desaparecendo no ar. Para nunca mais serem vistos novamente. A Silex Power, uma empresa de Malta, já sofreu disso quando prometeu o Ch...
Valene Motors promete trazer o esportivo elétrico Black Mamba ao mercado
Valene Motors promete trazer o esportivo elétrico Black Mamba ao mercado
Promessas de novos carros e fabricantes são inúmeras nos anos mais recentes. Tanto que eles cunharam o termo “vaporware”, ou aqueles carros que acabam desaparecendo no ar. Para nunca mais serem vistos novamente. A Silex Power, uma empresa de Malta, já sofreu disso quando prometeu o Ch...
Valene Motors promete trazer o esportivo elétrico Black Mamba ao mercado
Fusão entre Tesla e SolarCity foi aprovada
A Tesla anunciou que sua proposta de fusão com a SolarCity foi aprovada. “Após abrangentes e necessárias diligências com consultores financeiros e jurídicos independentes, os membros independentes dos conselhos de administração da Tesla e da SolarCity aprovaram essa transação”, diz o ...
Fusão entre Tesla e SolarCity foi aprovada
Valene Motors promises to bring the Black Mamba electric sports car to market
Promises of new cars and companies are countless in the latest years. So much so that they have coined the word “vaporware”, or those cars that end up vanishing in the air. Never to be seen again. Silex Power, a company from Malta, has already suffered from that when it promised the...
Valene Motors promises to bring the Black Mamba electric sports car to market
Tesla and SolarCity merger has been approved
Tesla has just announced its proposed merger with SolarCity has been approved. “After comprehensive due diligence in consultation with independent financial and legal advisors, the independent members of the Tesla and SolarCity boards of directors approved this transaction”, says the...
Tesla and SolarCity merger has been approved
JAC T5 é o melhor chinês até agora. Mas ainda tem muito espaço para melhorias - avaliação completa
Quando dirigimos o JAC T5 pela primeira vez, em sua apresentação no Brasil, salientamos que ele era o melhor carro chinês à venda. E agora tivemos a chance de dirigi-lo por uma semana. Esse tipo de contato nos permite perceber detalhes que não tínhamos visto antes. E isso ajuda os leitores intere...
JAC T5 é o melhor chinês até agora. Mas ainda tem muito espaço para melhorias - avaliação completa